Indiana Senior Women's Golf Association
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ISWGA Executive Board
Betty Harmless
former President and one of the founders of the ISWGA
The ISWGA Executive Board consists of six members. Each year at the annual board meeting, one new member is elected to the board as the new Representative. The previous Representative becomes either Treasurer or Secretary for two years. The Treasurer or Secretary that is being replaced becomes the Vice President and the Vice President becomes the President. The board members are expected to attend meetings in the fall and the spring, as well as the annual meeting during the state tournament. Being on the Board is a wonderful opportunity to serve the golfing community and lead this organization. If you would like more information about serving on the board, please email our president.
Responsibilities of the board members:
President - choose the golf course where the annual state tournament will be held and work with the club pro to organize the tournament, set a date for the fall and spring board meetings
Vice President - select and purchase the prizes for the annual tournament
Treasurer - mail the dues reminders and entry forms to golf clubs and leagues, receive the checks and applications, reimburse the Vice President for prize expenses, create annual treasurer's report
Secretary - take minutes at every meeting throughout the year. e-mail entry forms to previous participants, keep a record of all the paricipants and members clubs up to date, write thank you letters to the host club.
Representative - support the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary as needed.
Past President - serve as a consultant to the current President and other board members.