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ISWGA Member Clubs

The Indiana Senior Women's Golf Association is made up of member clubs who pay annual dues, which are currently $30.00 per year. Member clubs may be golf courses or ladies golf leagues in Indiana.  If your club would like to become a member of ISWGA, please send a check for $30.00 payable to "I.S.W.G.A." to:  


Tammy Wiggins
3522 N 300 E
Greenfield, IN 46140


Please include your club name, a contact name, address, phone number, email address, and web site URL.  We will post a link to your web site in our current member list.


Only properly organized clubs in Indiana shall be eligible for membership.  A properly organized club is defined as any group of ten or more players, paying annual dues, having a Board of Directors, and meeting regularly during the golf season.

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